peacecamp 2012: Talks4peace in Reibers
Jugendliche des 21. Jahrhunderts debattieren zum Thema Frieden
3. – 13. Juli 2012 in Reibers/Waldviertel und in Wien
Israelische und Arabisch-Israelische Teenager aus Israel treffen sich in Reibers im Waldviertel mit Gleichaltrigen aus Österreich und aus Ungarn zu einer 11-tägigen Begegnung, dem zehnten peacecamp.
Sie werden eine Dokumentation ihrer Familiengeschichte, ihrer Schule und ihrer kulturellen Bezugsgruppe mitbringen, sowie Musikinstrumente, Gedichte, Musik, Songs, persönliche Gegenstände und vor allem ihre eigenen Ideen und Gedanken zum Thema des Friedens. Vor allem aber werden sie ihre Kreativität und Ressourcen, ihren altersgemäßen Elan mithaben und werden, entfernt von Elternhaus und bisherigen Lebenserfahrungen, mitgebrachte Ideen, Vorurteile und Einstellungen gegenüber Gruppen und Menschen, mit denen sie ihren Lebensraum teilen, unter die Lupe nehmen.
Ein multikulturelles Team aus KünstlerInnen, ErzieherInnen, HistorikerInnen, PolitikerInnen/DiplomatInnen, werden gemeinsam mit ihnen aktiv an dieser Begegnung mitwirken.
Eine Vielfalt von Workshops (psychoanalytische Großgruppe, Kunstworkshops mit Musik, Tanz, und anderen kreativen Instrumenten, talks4peace u.s.w.) werden mit unterschiedlichen Mitteln an die Themen herangehen und sich darum bemühen, die Jugendlichen nicht nur intellektuell zu stimulieren, sondern auf der Gefühlsebene zu erreichen. Die talks4peace sollen Aspekte des Israelisch-Palästinensischen Friedensprozesses und Aspekte des Friedensprojekts „Europäische Union“, mit besonderem Augenmerk auf Österreich und Ungarn als zweier ihrer Vertreter thematisieren. Dabei soll der sich gegenwärtig in Ungarn abzeichnende Rechtspopulismus und Rassismus angesprochen und den Gründungswerten der Europäischen Union, ihre Zielsetzungen und der Bedeutung der Charter für Menschenrechte gegenüber gestellt werden.
Das angrenzende tschechische Slavonice soll Kulisse für Erörterungen zum Thema gegenwärtiger und vergangener/verschwundener Grenzen und der Bedeutung von Grenzen für die Beziehungen zwischen Völkern und Menschen bieten.
Eine Abschluss-Show4peace, einmal in Reibers und dann im Wiener Dschungeltheater im MuseumsQuartier soll einem größeren Publikum die Arbeit der Jugendlichen vorstellen. Den vom peacecamp produzierten Videofilm wird jeder Teilnehmer, jede Teilnehmerin, als bleibendes Dokument mit nach Hause nehmen, um SchulkollegInnen, FreudInnen und Familienangehörigen an diesem Erlebnis teilhaben zu lassen.
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please bring a few personal photos and/or a few minutes video showing actual scenes in your own environment/home/school/life space, with youself on it and/or some of your family/friends/teachers/neighbors. That could help us imagine how and where you live and what life looks like in your environent.
Do not forget to bring
- inexpensive WHITE T- SHIRT
, 100% cotton, washed, with your name written in it
with photos, documents and texts about your family and origins
- your chapter talks4peace on a poster .
- your group's contribution/preparation for "Culture evening"
- SPICES or ingredients of your favorite food
- YOUR MUSIC INSTRUMENT or any object that can make sounds and rhythm
- Your Camcorder - if you have one
- your favorite MUSIC. A piece of ART, a POEM, SONG of your country on the topic of peace
- if it exists in your country: ALPHABET SOUP
-plastic slippers
- underwear
- pyjamas
- jeans
- shorts
- light short-sleave-t-shirts
- long sleave shirt
- 1 warm sweater
- 1 pair of good waterproof shoes/sneakers
- rain cover or waterproof jacket
- head-cover
- sun-protection
- mosquito-repellent
- toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, etc.
- if you are a girl: sanitary napkin/tampax or the like
- some pocket-money to spend, just in case
- your favorite SNACKS and nibbles, just in case....
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peacecamp 2012: Talks4peace in Reibers
Youth of the 21st century tackle issues of peace
July 3rd – 13th, 2012, in Reibers, Waldviertel and in Vienna
Israeli and Arab-Israeli teenagers from Israel, youth from Hungary and from Austria will come together for peacecamp 2012, a 11 days’ workshop in Reibers/ Waldviertel and in Vienna, the tenth of this kind.
They will bring with them visual and other documents portraying them within their families, as pupils of their schools, as members of the respective national and cultural group and society to which they belong.
They will bring music instruments, poems or songs, music, or any other pieces of art from their own home and culture, their thoughts and personal items symbolizing their own and their culture’s search for peace. They will bring their creativity and resources and their age-adequate enthusiasm and zeal and engage in an intensive encounter away from home and from any preconceived ideas they may have about the world and of the different groups and people with whom they share it.
A multicultural and multidisciplinary team of adults - artists, teachers,
professionals in the area of mental health and the social sciences, a senior diplomat – will actively accompany the process and become personally engaged in it.
A number of different workshops will allow to tackle the relevant issues as they evolve from what the young people will put on the table as their own contribution to the process.
A show4peace at the end of the stay, one in Reibers and one in Vienna’s Dschungle Theater in the Museums Quartier, will present the results to a larger audience. A video-film, produced by the participants as part of the encounter, will be shown on this occasion and will be taken home by each participant as a document of an unusual, peaceful and creative encounter.
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You absolutely have to be vaccinated against ticks bites.
In order to be protected, you need to receive two shots of the vaccine with an interval of at least 2 weeks between them, prior to your trip to Austria.
You will NOT BE ADMITTED to peacecamp if you do not provide evidence that you have been vaccinated (2 shots) or a statement from your parents saying that they are not interested in you being vaccinated.
This has to be provided until June 1st
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The Carmel Zvulun High School of Kibbutz Yagur, Israel
"Carmel Zvulun" is located in Kibbutz Yagur, 5 km east of Haifa. It serves a total of eight hundred and forty students who come from kibbutzim and moshavim in the north of Israel. It offers academic study leading to matriculation and vocational training which includes fashion design, graphic design and robotics/mechanics. The school is widely acclaimed for its educational standards and achievements whilst maintaining an atmosphere of flexibility, warm relations with students and an ability to respond to their special needs.
The Carmel-Zvulun Junior High and High School knows in his special for its program which serves 76 deaf and hard of hearing students.
Those students travel daily from far and wide to attend Carmel Zvulun, coming from Kiryat-Shmona in the North and Hadera in the South.
The Szent László Gimnázium, Budapest, Hungary
The Arab Orthodox College - Haifa, Israel
The Arab Orthodox College in Haifa is an educational and cultural foundation, that was founded in 1952 by the Greek Orthodox Christian community in order to serve the entire Arab public in Israel.
The school main goals are:
- To make the students believe that dignity and freedom are top values.
- strengthen love for knowledge, culture, and creativity.
- To Promote student belonging to the Palestinian identity and humanity, and rejecting extremism and racism, and at the same time, deepen his association with his language, history and civilization
- The adoption of education based on democracy, equality and understanding among all members of society is bound.
Erich Fried Realgymnasium
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