Wednesday, 25. April 2012
Meet Dafna Cohen from the Jewish-Israeli Delegation

My name is Dana Cohen

I am 15 years old.
I live in kibbutz Ramat Yohanan.
I really love living in the Kibbutz which is a unique life style in Israel.
We learn to share, listen to each other, support each other and contribute to the community.
I have been training rhythmic gymnastic for 6 years and really love it, I am very dedicated to this.
I think I can contribute a lot in the discussions in the peacecamp.
The topic of peace is one of the most important topics.
I am sure we will bw able to live in peace for 10 days.

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Saturday, 21. April 2012
Meet Ronny Böhmer - you might possibly need him!

Hi, my name is Ronny, and on the photo you can see me with Raphi, my 3-year-old grandson. I am Evelyn's husband, and while she is the mastermind behind the peacecamp project, I am rather the allrounder taking care of all the organisational details entailed with such an event. I will be at the camp on and off, commuting between Vienna and Reibers. I was born in Argentina and am living in Vienna (with interruptions) since my childhood. I am looking forward to be with you all at peacecamp no. 10! See you soon ...

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Tuesday, 17. April 2012
Meet Gerald Muthsam - video4peace

Hallo, I am Gerald Muthsam and this is my sixth peacecamp. At the previous peacecamps I led Outdoor- , Video- and Photoworkshops. This time I will do a Videodocumentation. I am looking forward to meeting you and am sure that it will again be a wonderful experience.

See you soon

Mein Name ist Gerald Muthsam. Heuer bin ich das sechste Mal beim Peacecamp dabei. Bei den ersten drei Peacecamps habe ich Outdoor-, Video- und Fotoworkshops gehalten. Dieses Jahr werde ich eine Videodokumentation vom Peacecamp drehen.
Ich freue mich auf euer Kommen und bin mir sicher, dass es wieder ein großartiges Erlebnis werden wird.
Bis bald,

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Wednesday, 28. March 2012

please join the peacecamp 2012 group in peacecamp!/groups/392447400773078/

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film and radio broadcast

a short clip made by bence, a former peaecamp-participant, member of the filming team at peacecamp 2011.

Here the link to my interview at radio allforpeace in jerusalem, march 22nd, 2012

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