Friday, 24. August 2012
Schalom – -- Zeitschrift der Österreichisch-Israelischen Gesellschaft, Ausgabe 4/2012

(Anklicken, um den Artikel zu lesen.
Click on the picture to read the article.)

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Saturday, 18. August 2012
Niederösterreichische Nachrichten (NÖN) - print 29/2012

(Anklicken, um den Artikel zu lesen.
Click on the picture to read the article.)

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Tuesday, 7. August 2012
peacecamp dance, show4peace/Vienna

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peacecamp 2012 - Gerald Muthsam's great peacecamp-film
(30 minutes)

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show4peace/Reibers - a film by Gerald Muthsam
(20 min.)

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