Tuesday, 22. May 2012
Meet Mathias Hodruszky from Budapest

Hi, I am Mathias Hodruszky.

I am 17 years old and I live in Gyömrő near to Budapest. My nickname is: „The Goat” .I have plenty of hobby. I like taking fotos and shooting, and I organize parties. I do martial arts and play volleyball sometimes. I like skatepunk, rock, punkrock, dubstep and hardstyle music. My favourite drink is ginger (of course the non-alcoholic) and I adore the spinach. At the „training” I had to take an oath, so I try keeping it. I can understand other people and I always try to find the solution.
„I just wanna live in a peaceful earth!”

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Sunday, 13. May 2012

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peacecamp 2012: Talks4peace à Reibers (suivi par texte en Anglais)

peacecamp 2012: Talks4peace à Reibers:
Quatre groupes de jeunes affrontent les
grands problèmes de leur région et de leur temps
du 3 au 13 juillet 2012 à Reibers/Waldviertel (Basse Autriche) et à Vienne

Des jeunes Israéliens et Arabes Israéliens et leurs homologues autrichiens et hongrois se réuniront du 3 au 13 juillet à Reibers/Waldviertel et à Vienne pour un 10ème camp de paix – peacecamp.

Ils y amèneront une documentation de l’histoire de leur famille, de leur culture, de leur religion et un aperçu de la situation politico-sociale de leur région et de leur pays.

Ils apporteront aussi des instruments de musique, des poèmes, des chansons, des danses, des épices, des friandises, ainsi que leurs idées sur les thèmes conflictuels de leur région et de leur temps. Loin de leur entourage habituel, ils s’échangeront sur les obstacles contemporains à la paix et chercheront des solutions innovatrices, créatives sinon abracadabrantes, aux problèmes de leur temps. Une équipe multidisciplinaire d’artistes, de psychologues, d’enseignants, d’historiens et de diplomates accompagneront cette quête.

Divers ateliers, dont un grand groupe quotidien animé par un expert, un atelier d’histoire contemporaine, des soirées culture, des ateliers de danse, de méditation et de chant, des débats politiques etc., encourageront les jeunes à approfondir leur réflexion et leur compréhension des sujets complexes de notre siècle.

Lors d’une visite du village tchèque Slavonice, ils franchiront la frontière – de nos jours invisible – entre l’Autriche et la République Tchèque. Ils auront l’occasion d’écouter les récits d’ habitants des deux cotés de cette frontière qui ne se souviennent que trop bien du Rideau de fer qui divisait l’Europe pendant plus de 40 ans.

L’atelier talks4peace permettra aux deux groupes du Moyen Orient de discuter et de tenter de résoudre les grands problèmes du conflit israélo-palestinien. Ces débats seront animés par des experts et se dérouleront selon le mode de vraies conférences de paix (Camp David, Doha etc.). Les deux groupes européens discuteront les principes et le fonctionnement de l’Union Européenne, la signification de la charte des droits de l’homme et la manière dont celle-ci est appliquée dans leurs pays.

Finalement, le grand show4peace au Dschungel/MuseumsQuartier à Vienne donnera l’occasion de montrer à un grand public ce qui aura été fait et créé lors des dix jours passés ensemble. On y montrera aussi le film peacecamp 2012 réalisé au cours de la rencontre à Reibers ; le film sur DVD sera distribué à tous les participants.

Evelyn Böhmer-Laufer
Initiatrice et directrice du projet peacecamp

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Monday, 7. May 2012
4 questions4peace

4 questions4peace


1. What does the word peace mean to you in the context of your own life?

The word peace in the context of my life means responsibility and friendship.

2. What are the main obstacles to peace in the context of your own life?

The main obstacle to peace in the context of my life is the fact that there are in my country extreme people in both sides. I think they are scared to live with the other side.

3. What have you done so far to promote peace in your own country?

I haven't done anything connected to peace with the Arabs but I think that in my personal life I do a lot of things to achieve good relationships with the people that are around me.

4. What can you do in the future to promote peace in your own country?

I think that in the future I can do some things to promote peace in my country.
1. I can organize activities with the Arabs.
2. I can go to protest and help promoting peace.

1. What does the word peace mean to you in the context of your own life?

peace means to me a way of life, to live with different people but still love and respect them even if their opinions are different from mine.

2. What are the main obstacles to peace in the context of your own life?

I think that the main obstacles to peace are the fact that in one country there are many religions. There are people who are unwilling to accept that because of prejudice, this creates antagonism sometimes.

3. What have you done so far to promote peace in your own country?

To promote peace I try to solve problems between my friends in a peaceful way of talking, and also to condemn violence in any form, to make the dialogue a way of life for everyone.

4. What can you do in the future to promote peace in your own country?

In the future I will tell my friends about this peace camp, I will explain to extreme people that minorities are people just like us. If each one of us supports peace in his private life- we will have a better society.

3. Yoav

1. What does the word peace mean to you in the context of your own life?

The word peace makes me think of the MiddleEast and all of the wars that Israel had gone through. For me peace means no wars and no violence.

2. What are the main obstacles to peace in the context of your own life?

The main obstacle to achieve peace is the conflict between Jewish people and the Arabs.

3. What have you done so far to promote peace in your own country?

I haven’t done anything connected to peace with the Arabs, but I think that in my personal life I do a lot of things in order to prevent violence and solving conflicts in a peaceful way.

4. What can you do in the future to promote peace in your own country?

I can't promote peace in an active way, but I can respect every Arab I meet as a human being, and not judge him just because his an Arab.
4. Yonatan

1. What does the word peace mean to you in the context of your own life?

The word peace means responsibility and caring for each other. Solving conflicts not by violence but by peaceful ways and talking.

2. What are the main obstacles to peace in the context of your own life?

The main obstacle to reach peace is the fact that we have an ancient conflict which is very hard to solve. Another obstacle is prejudice that the Arabs and the Jews have against each other.

3. What have you done so far to promote peace in your own country?

The acts that I have done so far to promote peace are:
1. Solving problems by talking and not by violence.
2. Trying to reach and understanding with the Arabs, we had meetings with Arabic youth in the past.

4. What can you do in the future to promote peace in your own country?

For promoting peace in the future I can meet with Arabs about conflicts. I can also talk to my friends about the experiences I had in the peace-camp

5. Mona

1. What does the word peace mean to you in the context of your own life?

Peace is having no racism , no discrimination and no violence between each other, peace is excepting each others differences whether it’s the difference between each others opinions or difference in the color , race , beliefs and etc ...

2. What are the main obstacles to peace in the context of your own life?

I come from a country where people get judged for their race and nationality , where people don’t accept each others differences and for that I think that discrimination and racism are the main obstacles to peace in my country.

3. What have you done so far to promote peace in your own country?

I personally try to listen to other people's opinions before I judge them and I avoid judging people for their background because people aren't their nationality nor their race . I also auditioned to this peace camp in order to promote peace in my country .

4. What can you do in the future to promote peace in your own country?

I can never know what the future holds but all I can say that I would like to make a difference in the way that people treat each other because I want the younger generation to live in a better world, a world where there is no place for racism and discrimination and everyone are treated equally .
6. Noura

1. What does the word peace mean to you in the context of your own life?

Peace is when people respect each other and are treated equally despite their nationality, religion and culture and when each one of us puts humanity first at the list of his priorities.

2. What are the main obstacles to peace in the context of your own life?

I come from a place where everyone specially us the Arabs are judged for their background and believes, there are so many minority that racism is becoming a serious issue in our life that we face almost everyday!!

3. What have you done so far to promote peace in your own country?

I think that there'll be peace in the world when each and every one of us tries to change his way of thinking and behavior in his daily-bases it starts with the smallest and "meaningless" things in life therefore I try to start this process by respecting people who surround me and furthermore with this peace camp I'm willing to contribute peace in my community.

4. What can you do in the future to promote peace in your own country?

In the future, I want to keep on attending sessions that promote peace, I'd like to do more things in order to be sure that racism will vanish among the years …My hope for the future is to be able to have an influence on other people's thoughts so that the world will be a better place!!!


1. What does the word peace mean to you in the context of your own life?

Peace is when people from different culture, race, religion and etc. accept each other's opinions and beliefs and overcome their differences in order to live together on this planet.

2. What are the main obstacles to peace in the context of your own life?

I live in the country where people don’t get treated equally and get judged for being from a specific race culture and religion, therefore I think racism and discrimination are major obstacles to peace in my life.

3. What have you done so far to promote peace in your own country?

I personally, try to accept and treat people equally, instead of judging them based on racist features. Also, going to this peacecamp is another attempt for promoting peace in my country.

4. What can you do in the future to promote peace in your own country?

I can't know what will happen the future but all I could say is that I hope I can make a difference and at least, help stop racism and discrimination especially in my country.

1. What does the word peace mean to you in the context of your own life?

The word 'peace' can have endless defenitions depending on the way you look at it. Although the litterary meaning of it is tranquility and quiet, I see it as so much more. To me, peace means the hope of a better future. A future where people respect each other, look out for one another, and don't judge those around them. A world where people agree to disagree, agree to accept each other's beliefs.

2. What are the main obstacles to peace in the context of your own life?

In the world generally and my country in specific, there are so many obstacles that come in the way of peace. The differences in people physically and mentally are what thrives them apart. That includes economical, political, and cultural differences. From unequall job opportunities to water shortages, the obstacles are endless.

3. What have you done so far to promote peace in your own country?

I think that the best way to come to peace with others, is trying to understand their point of view and their perspective. Understading why they think the way that they do and what got them there is key. I try as much as I can to engage with those around me and find mutual interests that intrige them. Working on mutual projects like this peace camp for example is always a good way to get there.

4. What can you do in the future to promote peace in your own country?

Judging others is a natural human instinct. So as hard as it can be, thats what I want to start working on next, accepting those around me no matter what or where they come from. I think that as soon as people let go of the hatred they hold against someone, peace will take its place.

1. What does the word peace mean to you in the context of your own life?

Peace for me is to live together with other people.
In Israel we don't live in peace with the Arabs.
I want to change the attitude of Israel consuming the territories and find a solution to the conflict.

2. What are the main obstacles to peace in the context of your own life?

There isn't a true cooperation between people and there isn't a true desire to reach peace.

3. What have you done so far to promote peace in your own country?

In the past I met with Arabs people.
The activities were organized in my school. We also had discussions about the conflict.

4. What can you do in the future to promote peace in your own country?

In the future I will try to change the attitude of my friends about Arabs and emphasize the fact that we shouldn't judge a person according to his race.
10. OFEK

1. What does the word peace mean to you in the context of your own life?

The word peace means caring for each other, to have good relationship with the Arabs and solve problems by talking and not by violence

2. What are the main obstacles to peace in the context of your own life?

The main obstacle to achieve peace is extreme people that are not ready to listen to the other side and compromise

3. What have you done so far to promote peace in your own country?

I used to participate meetings with Arabs children, listen to their way of life and habbits

4. What can you do in the future to promote peace in your own country?

In the future u can tell my friends about this peacecamp and I will try to change their way of thinking about the Arabs
11. Oren

1. What does the word peace mean to you in the context of your own life?

The word peace means to me good connection with our neighbors. Live peacefully and as friends.

2. What are the main obstacles to peace in the context of your own life?

I think that there isn’t peace between Israel and our neighbors because they want our country and they aren't ready to give up and compromise.

3. What have you done so far to promote peace in your own country?

In the past I took part in a program which lasted whole year. We met Arabs teenagers and talked, played and had fun together.

4. What can you do in the future to promote peace in your own country?

I hope that in the future I will try to change my way of thinking about Arabs and wont judge them just because they are Arabs.

1. What does the word peace mean to you in the context of your own life?

Peace for me is a way of life in which no one is able to hurt me. In a situation of peace we will be able to help each other in our problems.

2. What are the main obstacles to peace in the context of your own life?

The main obstacles to peace in the Middle East are the prejudice we have.
In addition both sides are scared that they will lose more than the other side.

3. What have you done so far to promote peace in your own country?

I participated in meeting with Arab teenagers in the past.
In addition, my father has Arab friends, I visit them and do not judge them just because they are Arabs.

4. What can you do in the future to promote peace in your own country?

I can go to demonstrations against racism, and also talk with my Arab friends about our conflicts between Jews and Arabs.
another thing that I can do is to talk with my Jewish friends and tell them about the good sides of the Arab culture.

1. What does the word peace mean to you in the context of your own life?

The word peace means people living together in harmony caring one for the other
And not judging one another. It means a hope for a better future where all people can live quietly.

2. What are the main obstacles to peace in the context of your own life?

There are many obstacles in the way of peace, the people judge one another because of their different religion and culture and their color. Also a lot of people see Arabs as terrorists and the y think its dangerous to live with us. Racism and discrimination are the main obstacles.

3. What have you done so far to promote peace in your own country?

I don’t judge a person by his or her religion. I try to communicate with other people
not from my culture and I try to see the good side of every person.

4. What can you do in the future to promote peace in your own country?

We can start having meetings talking to each other about our problems and teaching each other different things so we both get familiar with each others religion and culture.
14. MARC

1. What does the word peace mean to you in the context of your own life?

The word peace has many definitions. It is a very complicated word. For me peace is to have quiet and peaceful days and to be able to express myself freely despite my religion, nationality and culture.

2. What are the main obstacles to peace in the context of your own life?

_I live in a country where people are judged for their culture and ethnic background. Being a minority in what used to be the national country of my grandparents, restricts my rights and gives a feeling of a second rate citizen. Peace for me is equality and to achieve that as a citizen, I have to feel equal in every aspect, not to worry about the next war, and not having to choose a topic to study and find work in because certain domains are restricted to Jews only.

3. What have you done so far to promote peace in your own country?

_I haven’t done something in particular to promote peace, but in my daily life, I treat people equally despite their ethnic or national background. And I believe that there are other people like me who seek the same goals.

4. What can you do in the future to promote peace in your own country?

Participating in this peace camp might open my horizons and give me the right tools to promote peace later in my life. At this stage in my life I believe that proper education and a university degree will give me the strength and knowledge to actually achieve my goals. Nevertheless I know that if I treat everyone respectfully, peace will be one step closer.

15. NOEL

1. What does the word peace mean to you in the context of your own life?

I think we can talk about peace, if all nation and all people can live on the Earth in love, without hating and injuring the other type of human (black, asian, chinese...or jude

2. What are the main obstacles to peace in the context of your own life?

There are lot of people, who don't want to change idea. There are many people, who has bad memories of the other "type" of the human

3. What have you done so far to promote peace in your own country?

I had lot of argument with the people who don't think the same, what i thought. I tried to let them understand what is my opinion

4. What can you do in the future to promote peace in your own country?

First thing is to go to the Peace Camp! After I'll have more idea


1. What does the word peace mean to you in the context of your own life?

For me peace means that noone fights with the others. Inspite of being mean everyone tries to help the ones that need help. Everyone behaves friendly.

2. What are the main obstacles to peace in the context of your own life?

I spend most of my life with teenagers and as we know, they easily judge based on formality. The other point is that everyone wants to achieve their goals and sometimes for its sake they have to fight down their mates. And the main point is that I think that every single person is selfish

3. What have you done so far to promote peace in your own country?

I don’t think that I’d be in the position to do anything for tha peace in my country, anyway I try to be nice with people and I don’t start a fight out of nothing

4. What can you do in the future to promote peace in your own country?

If I would have ever been a politician, I’d definitely fight for tha peace but I don’t think that know I’d have enough power to fo anything about _____________________________________

17. Göbölös

1. What does the word peace mean to you in the context of your own life?

When a person live in peace that means all members of society accepted the person’s religion, ideology. Doesn’t have to fear about he or she will be a victim of discrimination or any kind of violence.

2. What are the main obstacles to peace in the context of your own life?

The ignorance and the prejudices are the biggest obstacles. I am sure if the people know more about each other they can’t hate other ones just they live in a different culture.

3. What have you done so far to promote peace in your own country?

Maybe less than I could have to do. Some time I worked in charity organization, that organization deals underprivileged people. I always tried to be tolerant with every people and accept theirs ideologies and religions.

4. What can you do in the future to promote peace in your own country?

I don’t know exactly what I can to do in the future. I just hope I can help the people to live without hating each other.


1. What does the word peace mean to you in the context of your own life?

For me peace means no war, living equal with the others around me. To be free to do what I want to do without fear.

2. What are the main obstacles to peace in the context of your own life?

The main obstacles to peace in my life are that there is no equality between Arabs and Jews in Israel and being a member of the Arab minority. Another obstacle is the war situation between Israel and the Arab countries around. And the most important obstacle is the conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians living in the west bank and the Gaza strip because of occupation.

3. What have you done so far to promote peace in your own country?

I joined demonstrations against the Israeli actions against the Palestinians. I also helped collecting donations for the refugee camps in the west bank.

4. What can you do in the future to promote peace in your own country?

I could try to discuss this situation with Arabs and other Israelis. I could also try to join a political party and be more active in political actions.

1. What does the word peace mean to you in the context of your own life?

For me peace means recovery, responsibility and harmonically living together of all people.

2. What are the main obstacles to peace in the context of your own life?

In my point of view the main obstacle to peace are discrimination, racism, ignorance, egoism and money.

3. What have you done so far to promote peace in your own country?

I have not done anything special to promote peace yet, I talked to people and helped others to solve problems.

4. What can you do in the future to promote peace in your own country?

I may could take part at demonstrations and support organisations which
intercede for peace.

20. vinzenz
1. What does the word peace mean to you in the context of your own life?

i´m happy to know people from other countries, their cultures, their food,...

2. What are the main obstacles to peace in the context of your own life?

prejudice, racism, and that people cannot think for them selfe

3. What have you done so far to promote peace in your own country?

some pupiles and me make guides in a bunker from the World War II

4. What can you do in the future to promote peace in your own country?

I think you we cannot do something against war, because there allways will be people who wanted to get rich and would make war for their money, but we all can try that we are not jealous, and not egoistic.

1. What does the word peace mean to you in the context of your own life?

Peace means to me that everybody loves each other like himself/herself. It means respect and tolerance. It means living without any kind of violence.

2. What are the main obstacles to peace in the context of your own life?

Some of the main obstacles are intolerance, misunderstanding, dourness,......

3. What have you done so far to promote peace in your own country?

I'm now 14 years old, I can promote what I want, nobody will listen to me. Because of that I'm just planning how I will promote peace. To visit the peacecamp is a good beginning I guess.

4. What can you do in the future to promote peace in your own country?

I can get a politician and tell everybody that peace is the greatest way to a nearly perfect democracy, or I could get a musician and sing about peace like Mr. John Lennon, or I could just write texts and books about peace and how important it is to live in peace. If you have enough fantasy you can do everything to promote peace.

22. Julia

1. What does the word peace mean to you in the context of your own life?

For me peace means forgiveness. There's no that conflict which cannot be solved with love.

2.. What are the main obstacles to peace in the context of your own life?

The main obstacles are people. They are too stubborn and they don't want to change. They are judging instead of get a real view of something or somebody.

3. What have you done so far to promote peace in your own country?

I treat people equally and i angle to help where it's necessary.

4. What can you do in the future to promote peace in your own country?

Maybe i should try to explain( for example to my friends) if Somebody is different it not means we should deprecate the person.


1. What does the word peace mean to you in the context of your own life?

That all people of the world have the same rights at politics, economy and in the social community.

2. What are the main obstacles to peace in the context of your own life?

Capitalism, because it supports the arms industry and the arms industry needs the fear of a war.

3. What have you done so far to promote peace in your own country?

I was member of a pacifistic and communistic organisation, but I have left the organisation, because of a dispute.

4.What can you do in the future to promote peace in your own country?

I think about it.


1. What does the word peace mean to you in the context of your own life?

It means that we can live together without wars, political arguments, natural disasters. Countries have good relationship with each other.

2. What are the main obstacles to peace in the context of your own life?

I think the main problems are political differences and financial problems. These political differences can also destroy our relationship with the European Union and another problem.

3. What have you done so far to promote peace in your own country?

I think I am scant for this alone bit in my school I always try to finish the religious and political problems.

4. What can you do in the future to promote peace in your own country?

We have to stand up for animals and poor people. We are all people and our differing views should not be a problem between each other.

25. Zsofia

1. What does the word peace mean to you in the context of your own life?

At the moment I am changing schools because I have been bullied at my present school. Peace in my life means that I am given my freedom to study and to be left to do what I feel I have to without being told by other classmates. Tranquility is very important for me.

2. What are the main obstacles to peace in the context of your own life?

My classmates but I am changing schools and hope to have new and better mates who might become my friend.

3. What have you done so far to promote peace in your own country?

When I have a problem I try and solve it by discussing it and do not argue or shout. I feel I am too young to do anything BIG in my country. Peace starts in each person. If we have it, it is easier to talk BIG.

4. What can you do in the future to promote peace in your own country?

After the peace camp I will tell everybody where I have been and about the main idea of this camp. Otherwise I will carry on behaving as I have so far, perhaps more conscientious.

26. Mátyás

1. What does the word peace mean to you in the context of your own life?

It does not matter where are you from, where do you live , what is your religion, it can not make a discriminate. That is why everybody should accept each other, and tolerate each other’s affiliation.

2. What are the main obstacles to peace in the context of your own life?

Sometimes tolerating each other is difficult, but I do not have obstacles.

3. What have you done so far to promote peace in your own country?

I always advertise the peace, as I do martial arts I had to take an oath: 6§ “I build the peace with all of my force” And I always stick to it.

4. What can you do in the future to promote peace in your own country?

I become the president of USA and I advertise world peace … or I do it as a Miss World Hungary

27. ) DÁNIEL

1. What does the word peace mean to you in the context of your own life?

Do not judge a nation by the opinion of a politician.

2. What are the main obstacles to peace in the context of your own life?

I would not be able to convince thousands of people and because I am too young.

3. What have you done so far to promote peace in your own country?

Just discussions and try to convince someone.

4. What can you do in the future to promote peace in your own country?

I would like to speak in international conferences.

28. Adrian

1. What does the word peace mean to you in the context of your own life?

To me peace means that everybody can have and tell his own opinion without having fear and live his own religion without being punished

2. What are the main obstacles to peace in the context of your own life?

The obstacles are for example if persons don’t respect any other opinion than their own

3. What have you done so far to promote peace in your own country?

I haven’t done any great things, but I try to settle disputes whenever I can.

4. What can you do in the future to promote peace in your own country?

I can do little things like helping neighbours when they are in trouble or discuss with friends about pour contries.

29. ) MORAD

1. What does the word peace mean to you in the context of your own life?

The word peace means a lot for me when I hear it reminds me that were all humans and that were all equal in life so if were humans and were equal in life why can't we get peace for me that what peace means in life.

2. What are the main obstacles to peace in the context of your own life?

The main obstacle for me is that the Israeli government wont listen to the Arab community and this thing effect us a lot ,for my as a student u can see that there is a different between Arabs schools and Jews schools, and you can see that there is a different between Arabs cities and jaws cities as for the roads and the buildings.

3. What have you done so far to promote peace in your own country?

I have done a lot of things to promote peace peace in my country but one of things that can effect us and I have done is going to many demonstrations and I'm really proud for going to them because that’s the only way that the government can hear us.

4. What can you do in the future to promote peace in your own country?

In the future I hope that I keep going to demonstrations and I really hope that one day I will be working at the Knesset because only the Knesset members can speak for our community and I hope that being a member can give me the chance to change the way Arabs are treated in this country


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Wednesday, 2. May 2012
Brücken für den Frieden bauen


Brücken für den Frieden bauen“ (08:39)
Wie können Vorurteile abgebaut werden? Wie können junge Menschen unterschiedlicher Religionszugehörigkeit mehr über einander erfahren? Das sind Fragen, mit denen sich ein Tiroler Jugendaustausch-Projekt befasst. Die praktische Umsetzung: Junge Israelis – Juden, Christen und Muslime – trafen mit Jugendlichen aus Tirol zusammen und setzten sich eine Woche lang mit Weltanschauung und Glaubenshaltung „der Anderen“ auseinander. Eine denkwürdige Station des Österreichbesuchs: das ehemalige NS-Konzentrationslager Mauthausen in Oberösterreich, in dem auch Verwandte der jungen israelischen Juden, die nun in Österreich zu Gast waren, ums Leben gekommen sind.

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